Início Entertainment In Sanjay Dutt’s film, which was released 26 years ago, the audience...

In Sanjay Dutt’s film, which was released 26 years ago, the audience was terrified after seeing the bloody villain, and the fear remains to this day.


Ashutosh Rana – India TV Hindi

Image source: INSTAGRAM
The film was released in 1998.

Over the last few years, many action-thriller and psycho-thriller films have appeared in cinemas and attracted a large number of viewers. But until about 20 years ago, very few films like this were made. Then came the era of action films and comedies. But 26 years ago, a psycho-thriller appeared in cinemas and sent viewers into a tizzy. A cinema hall is a cinema hall, when people saw this movie on TV, they started hating the villain of this movie. The story and villainy of this 145-minute film struck great fear in the hearts of viewers. Even today, the face of this terrible villain has not disappeared from the hearts and minds of many people. To this day, whenever an actor plays a villain in a movie, his bloody face appears before the audience’s eyes. We will tell you about this film and its characters.

This film was released in 1998

This film is ‘Dushman’ from 1998, in which Ashutosh Rana played the role of a psycho-rapist. Kajol played a double role in the film, with Sanjay Dutt playing the lead role. Apart from this, the film also featured actors like Omkar Singh, Tanvi Azmi, Narendra Sachar. In the film, Ashutosh Rana played the role of a psycho named ‘Gokul Pandit’ who was basically a cannibal. Everyone was surprised to see his terrifying avatar in the video.

Ashutosh Rana played the character of Gokul Pandit.

Ashutosh Rana received great recognition from the film ‘Dushman’. After that, he was seen playing negative roles in many films. Sanjay Dutt played the role of a disabled person in this film and falls in love with Kajol. Kajol played the dual role of Naina and Sonia Sehgal. Ashutosh Rana as a villain brutally murders Kajol’s sister Sonia. After which Naina starts burning with the fire of revenge and decides to take revenge. The climax of the film is how Naina and her disabled boyfriend take revenge on this ruthless villain.

Ashutosh Rana’s first film was Dushman

Let us say that Dushman was Ashutosh Rana’s first film and with his first film he entered the list of talented Bollywood actors. After that, he played many different characters and proved his acting skills. The character of Gokul Pandit played by Ashutosh Rana became so popular that other filmmakers also started considering making psycho-thriller films.

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