Início Sports KOLDO CASE | Ferraz uses the calculations on the Ábalos column to...

KOLDO CASE | Ferraz uses the calculations on the Ábalos column to refute the charge of irregular financing.


And no one knew anything, and no one suspected anything. If Moncloa tries to protect Pedro Sánchez from Koldo’s case to explain the allegations of former minister José Luis Ábalos, Ferraz does the same to avoid any responsibility. in look or knowing the actions of the person who was the Secretary of the Board at that time. In doing so, they are rejecting the accusations that they do not give random money that the PP party filed in court. Federal officials say that “alarms” did not go off in their internal systems, or that “anything special was seen.” Not even in internal investigations related to the amount paid by the third party to the organization. A lot of money according to party workers.

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