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Drama about a young man struggling to get his friend out of Thailand, in a coma after a motorcycle accident: “We’re at a loss”


What would be a dream vacation in Thailand together with his girlfriend have been a Real hell to Luis Sánchez from Oviedo, a 28-year-old civil servant in Valencia. The Asturian and his friend had been enjoying the Asian country for more than a week he had a terrible motorcycle accident in which Ángela Agudo, who is 24 years old and comes from the Valencian city of Godelleta, was seriously injured. The girl suffered a fractured skull due to the force as well He was admitted to the ICU at a hospital on the island of Ko Samui in induced coma and brain damage. His condition is very serious, so Luis Sánchez and his friend’s family “want” to bring him to Spain to try to save his life and bring him back from a country where hospital costs exceed 5,000 euros a day. “We need help immediately. We are talking about a person’s life,” pleads Oviedo’s husband, who is in Asturias to recover from his injuries. “I break my hand, elbow and other injuries, but the important thing is him,” insists Oviedo’s father.

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