Início Sports LORD’S PEOPLE | The conflict between the PP and the PSOE to...

LORD’S PEOPLE | The conflict between the PP and the PSOE to reorganize the institutions that are waiting to open the possibility for Bildu in the Electoral Board.


Member of the Central Electoral Board (JEC) with a “plurinational” profile. ERC and Bildu see an opportunity to choose one of the members of the higher body of the electoral management to agree with their demands and refer to the judge of their way. The council is waiting for a reorganization since the last elections and the misunderstanding between the PP and PSOE could open a gap in the parliament, according to reports from these groups. From the PSOE they confirm that The goal is to agree on this revisionalong with other organizations that are waiting, and PP, but realize the lack of progress. Likewise, he thinks that the recent celebrity feuds that took place this week have stretched him too far, so he’s not scoffing at plan B without PP’s help.

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