Início Sports The PP also increases the pressure on Sánchez after confirming that it...

The PP also increases the pressure on Sánchez after confirming that it has information about the “illegal funds” of the PSOE.


Throughout this week, Spanish politicians have continued to dig into the Civil Guard report that is circulating José Luis Ábalos for corruptionSeveral leaders of the PP party have directly announced that the party has data on They are suspected of being illegal money belonging to the PSOE. The spokesperson of the popular party, Borja Sémper, began when he went to the National Court on Monday to protect his party from filing a complaint in the case against the establishment of Pedro Sánchez; and Miguel Tellado, spokesman for the PP in Congress, and the leader of the party, Alberto Núñez, followed on Thursday. Feijoo. “The important thing when a complaint is filed is not how it starts but how it ends and we will see how it ends,” said Feijóo, reducing the need for the judge to reject the complaint due to lack of evidence. The Galician politician said that sometimes this happens, but later the justice process returns to the process if new information comes out that “fulfills” the first issue.